28 DAYS LATER (2002)

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squished ONE last movie in for 2024. watched this one wih my friends in preperation for 28 YEARS which is being released next year!! i love this movie so much, i think it's easily one of my favourite zombie medias.

ARCANE (2021 - 2024)

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SLOW HORSES (2022 -)

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this was a plane trip watch for me, something i didn't think i'd like but also it wasn't long enough to regret committing to, yknow? i had a free trial of apple tv, what else could i do with it. i did mildly enjoy this more than i thought i would, but i wouldn't rave about it or anything. silly unserious spy show, not that funny but distantly amusing. i will give the books a go to see if they're any better because i am conceptually interested, but otherwise ehhh, mid at best


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the real haunting is the fact that i can never get this goddamn show out of my head despite not liking it that much. this has got to be like, the 5th time i've watched it. i want to love this show, hill house is one of my favourite books, but this show is almost entirely it's own separate thing that just borrows elements from the novel. i think the pacing of the end half sucks, i think the dialogue in the end half is boggy and slow. i always get through the first 5 eps thinking wow, maybe i was too harsh and should give it a chance! and then we get to ep6+ and it's like oh yeah no, this is mid at best. devastating and yet i will watch it again for the same results

SUCCESSION (2018 - 2023)

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first time watch for me and I got through it in about a month? i didn't think i was going to like it that much but i definitely appreciate that each season is just 10 good long episodes, i think this is probably the only reason i could really get into the show. not something i was latched onto, but i liked it well enough! it was fun, i like a fucked up little family dynamic. 3.5 stars if i had a half star icon!


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WOW this show blew me away. this is my first time watching it, i just went right into it with a friend after our gravity falls rewatch. it was so beautiful!! the backgrounds and animation are so stunning, i love this story and am devastated they didn't get more time to tell it in a more rich manner. i'm always a sucker for a good sibling relationship show, i cant believe it took me so long to get around to this!!

GRAVITY FALLS (2012 - 2016)

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show of all time, truly. yes, i am rewatching this because of the book of bill release. i love this show for a hundred thousand different reasons, it's wonderful and wacky and beautiful and the ending makes me want to scream cry and rip my hair out.


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let me preface this with s4 was bad, shit, awful, and didn't exist. the other seasons however, i love very much! this is such a fun and silly show, i love dysfunctional siblings and families, and rewatching the first three seasons before the finale was so much fun. i am immeasurably disappointed in the final season but if i ignore it hard enough, it might go away


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ahhh this was so fun. i'm not really an anime girly but the cooking monsters thing really won me over, and i'm glad it did! really enjoyed watching this with my friends, excited for s2! will be reading the manga in the meantime.

THE X-MEN SERIES (2000 - 2019)

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yes. all of the xmen movies. every last one. i love them, even the shitty ones


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ough. did not love this one. i really like occult horror's usually, but i think this movie was trying too hard to set up and pull off several different things at once, and none of them came to a head at the end. great performance from nicholas cage, but the praise kind of stops there for me. here is several paragraphs of me dunking on this one


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if i could do 4.5 stars, i certainly would for this one!! i really enjoyed this one - i love, love supernatural demon horror, AND found footage, so this was like the perfect movie for me. i have rambled about it in more depth over here if you're interested in that, but if you enjoy a good demonic posession movie, i strongly recommend this one!!


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i had really been looking forward to this movie because a) i love A24's weirder films and b) it looked and sounded right up my alley when it first started making the rounds. i really, really loved this movie and have gone and yapped about it on it's own page - you can read my thoughts here!


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dragged along to see this one by friends under the guise of 'kaiju movie' which, i guess, not technically a lie. did not really know who ultraman was prior to this movie. no strong feelings either way!


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silly and funny, decent replacement for rick & morty


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ooohhhh i loved this movie. i had never heard of it before, but i found it in a collection while housesitting for someone and decided to give it a watch. this film was beautiful! so aesthetically pleasing, really great story and vibes. really enjoyed this!

PACIFIC RIM: THE BLACK (2021 - 2022)

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insane that it took me this long to watch this!! i love pacific rim so much, i just had this on the backburner for a very long time. really glad i did eventually cave and watch it - i enjoyed it a lot, i love a good sibling relationship story and it was a very cool story set in the pacrim world without directly involving the war. also, aussie rep, lfg!!


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not the first time i've seen this one, but my brother picked it for a family movie night and i am always happy to rewatch it. i love a good silly simon pegg movie

THE BEAR (2022 -)

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i did not think i'd like this show, because i don't really care for dramas! however, i am a sucker for tragic family drama, so i was immediately sucked in and watched the whole first two seasons in one sitting, and then the next one came out shortly after!


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one of my all time fav movies and a common rewatch for me <33 second movie? hm?? haha what sequel, there's no sequel and it cannot hurt me

FALLOUT (2024 -)

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oh i expected this to be bad. i had insanely low expectations of this show, ESPECIALLY as a fallout franchise fan. i have never been so wrong in my LIFE - i loved this, from the very first 5 minutes i was just absolutely hooked. you can see the love and attention to detail from the show's creators, you can just tell people who love fallout have worked on this show. i had so much fun with this, watching with friends and pointing out random background stuff to each other. loved the plot and the story, love how they depicted the various factions from the show and i love how accurate everything was to the games. it's so refreshing to watch a game adaptation that just cares about getting things right! i was rooting hard for a FO:NV adjacent storyline from the second i saw the promo pics so i was unbelievably delighted when i finally got to watch the whole show. GOD. so good. so so good

STAR TREK: AOS (2009 - 2016)

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this covers STAR TREK (2009), STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS (2013), and STAR TREK: BEYOND (2016). my controversial hot take is that i really enjoy this remake trilogy, in all their jj abrams lense flare glory. they're silly and fun, and the casting is delightful, and they're a good bite sized star trek fix when i don't have the time to go for a full series rewatch!

NOPE (2022)

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annual rewatch because this is THE movie of all time. i could go on for hours about the themes in this movie; it is one of my all time favourites and has been since the day i saw it in theatres. this movie is such a work of art; it's shot so incredibly beautifully, the themes of animal use in hollywood, the cosmic horror, the humour, the character, the house scene!!! oh my god i love this movie


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this was so fucking stupid. i had very high hopes because it started off so strong and then took a sharp nosedive about 1/3 into the movie. 'house that hates you' is one of my all time favourite genres, but this unfortunately did not deliver and was not a particularly strong movie.

RENT (2008)

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watched for the thousandth time because i got to see it live (!!!!) for the first time in theatres by a very talented aussie cast, twice!

SEVERENCE (2022 -)

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hooolyyyy what an amazing show. put this one off for way too long despite being hounded by friends to watch it. i loved this; the entire premise is so unique and interesting, i absolutely love the cast and world that has been built in one short season. the aesthetics, the cinematography, the story-- AUGH!! i loved this show, i cant wait for the next season. i am absolutely in love with how unsettling and soulless they've made the corporate office feel, all the absurd rewards and incentives given to the innies is such a great parody of how your job tries to reward your work in real life. i'm so so excited for s2, cannot recommend this show enough!


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i watched this one because i love IN BRUGES (2008), and was excited to see these two in another tragicomedy. i'd put it off for a long time for whatever reason, but finally got to it this year. i did like it; it was a little slow paced for my liking, but it didn't take away from my enjoyment of the movie. i didn't love it as much as i loved IN BRUGES, but i still enjoyed the narrative! also pretty movie

WONKA (2024)

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this was fun and silly!! watched in theatres with my friend despite not expecting to enjoy it, but i really did!


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yeah this is an annual rewatch, i love this mini-series so much. i don't really care for war movies and stuff, but band of brothers feels like a documentary (which it kind of is?) and i just really enjoy it every time!

DEAD & BURIED (1981)

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if i had a half star symbol, i'd give this a 3.5. it was good! i did enjoy it, it had all the makings of something i'd love (spooky coastal town, a sherrif investigating eerie deaths, a muted and bleak vibe), but i think it was just a little too slow for me to really get into. visually though, very nice movie. some awesome makeup and effects, has that overall 80s horror look to it that i love. i wont watch it again, but i did like it!


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shittier sequel hastily made to ride the high of the first one's success. not remotely as good as the first, but still enjoyable in that stupid cheap jumpscare sort of way


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rewatching for the thiiirddd time maybe? this is a resoundingly mid found footage movie that i love very much! i used to be a big ghost adventures fan and i love the pure unfiltered mockery of that show that goes on in this movie. its so silly