ok so this one is a doozy. on the outskirts of my suburb is a string of big properties with land backing onto the river. this is the ruins of one of the mansions there that was burnt down in a housefire and for some reason, repairs just stopped getting done on it for a long stretch of time. this means the place is exposed to the outdoors, as the entire second storey has collapsed in on itself, and it's a massive huge fungi and mould hazard, not to even mention the asbestos that is signposted everywhere to be cautious of.

it's been a while since i went back here, it was at least 4 or 5 years ago that i last passed by. i actually had a terrible time exploring this last time i was there; i put my foot right through some of the wooden staircase. whole thing just collapsed when i stood on it and shredded my leg to pieces, and on top of that, we got chased out by a neighbour who threw a bunch of shit at our car while we tried to book it backwards out the driveway, so! i have no interest in going back here