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[ 02.03.25 ] i rode a horse for the first time in a VERY long time today and am delighted to note that i had no struggles getting into the swing of it. i haven't properly ridden a horse in well over a decade (aside from trail rides, but they don't count; the horse will take you regardless of what you do on those), but it's nice to know the lessons didn't go to waste! i have been eyeballing this stunning week long horseback safari and camping experience in south africa, but the requirements are "experienced intermediate rider who can control a horse going all speeds". i definitely think i qualify, i just want to routinely go riding again to build up the confidence and regain a feel for it, yknow? anyway. i had a lot of fun, i'm real excited to go back!!

[ 26.02.25 ] the ultrakill AND stardew valley bug have both bitten me and it is a jarring experience. ultrakill got a revamp recently with a whole graphics and balancing overhaul and it is SO much fun. i've got it in my head that i'm going to p-rank everything on violent difficulty (as of writing this, i've got the prelude and limbo levels complete!) but also i need to do it faster than my friend, who thinks i'm going to struggle p-ranking anything at all. great way to make me go insane. as for stardew, the other night i thought maybe it would be nice to do a little chill time stardew game, yknow, maybe add some aesthetic function mods and stuff.......4hrs and 95 mods later i have this absolute behemoth of a game. enjoying it though, i'm so bad at taking that game slow. we do not really need the greenhouse before winter year 1, y'know? there's like 40 npcs in my game now and i'm really enjoying doing their backstory stuff

[ 18.02.25 ] got bitten by a wasp today while trying to make a point that wasps stings aren't really that bad and people make it out like they're so much worse than they are. i handled it well, i think (i smacked the fuck out of the hand it bit with a branch in a moment of panic)

[ 15.02.25 ] ok so the insanity did take over, i fear. the wolf 359 re-listen begins today, starting from ep 30 right up until the ending. i am going to cultivate a highly specific playlist on spotify for si-5 centric episodes and for the entire 3 people who might know what i'm yapping about, it will be here <3

[ 13.02.25 ] i have fallen deeply into a hole and become so violently brainrotted by three minor side characters in a radio show that ended 8yrs ago. I'm going so fucking insane. I haven't listened to the show in years. I don't even care about the main cast and story of this show that much I literally just miss Them more than life itself and that them is the si5 from wolf 359. Holy shit i miss them so bad. maybe I'll just listen to the show again from ep like 30+ and then completely ignore the finale. that might fix me. sorry w359 you are a really good show but my mangled broken brain latched onto the Evil Gang from Evil Company Incorporated and everything else in the show became irrelevant to me

[ 03.02.25 ] made myself a necklace out of a dog canine today!! never really made jewellery before & drilling through a tooth is so much harder than you think but we got there in the end

[ 31.01.25 ] i found photos of hopscotch from when i first brought him home and he is SOOOO SOOO TINY 😭 im so emo i love him so fuckign much and he's SO big now. june '21. / today. :( his FRECKLES GREW WITH HIM AUAAGAHHH

[ 28.01.25 ] woahhh phone coding this is bizarre but I don't have a better way rn. anyway. just went to a stationary store and found a whole ass ibis carcass on the side of the road that was already mostly bones. managed to snag it's skull before anyone gave me weird looks, but unfortunately it's keratin beak sheath is totally gone, it's definitely been out in the sun for a while. very brittle, but i'll see what i can do with it! super excited to process this one :)

[ 24.01.25 ] when i did biology at uni a few years back, i presented a seminar on cellular senescence and the process of aging on a cellular level. it was a topic i was really interested in, and i loved researching, writing about, and talking about it. it has been on my mind lately because i've been thinking about my frog's lifespan - a life expectancy between 8-20 years is a crazy range. i've been doing a little more amphibian-specific researching into this topic and i am no expert so i won't waffle on about it here, but i did want to share / bookmark this fantastic educational site that i came across: senesence.info. i really do recommend people look into this topic if you like biology, senesence is a fascinating thing and the studies that have been done on it so far unlock very exciting possibilities for the future

[ 22.01.25 ] its been a long time since i went and spent money on my hobbies and interests for no particular reason!! i usually have to really convince myself to buy something nice or expensive for myself with no other justification, but this week i decided that since i had no other financial responsibilities for the week, i'd go out and get myself some fancy teas and some new books. i got some beautiful teas from t2; a fruity mango & mint tea for drinking cold, and a handful of black and green teas that piqued my interest. i also bought myself some blind books! my fav bookstore will wrap up certain books in paper and just write the genre and a quick overview on them, and you don't get to know what they are until you've bought and opened them. i've ended up with some awesome books from this system, so i grabbed myself two more today. i'm not gonna open them until i've finished what i'm currently reading, but one is horror and the other is general fiction :) very excited!!

[ 20.01.25 ] friends and i visited a native wildlife park today and got to see a whole load of cool creatures!! we were particularly excited to see a platypus which we did eventually spot in the nocturnal house. and dingoes and crocodiles and loads of other little critters. very cool!! look at this dingo :)

[ 18.01.25 ] very nice day today!! refreshed hops' and tobiko's tanks with new plants, watched movies with my friends, got my shopping done, ended the day with a big storm and a book :)

[ 17.01.25 ] it is humbling to be a client at an exotic vet clinic after working at a GP one for so long. there is so much to exotics that I do not know! poor hops has hurt his leg but turns out you can give meloxicam to amphibians :0

[ 15.01.25 ] maybe i fell violently down the epic: the musical hole. maybe this is my most insane musical fixation since my hamilton phase. just kill me. it is so delightful, i absolutely love the oddysey and adore this take on it sm

✸ 2024 ✸


[ 31.12.24 ] wanted to see the fireworks tonight but my cars front headlights both decided to stop working so I can't drive in the dark :(

[ 29.12.24 ] I love tank maintenance day...trimming my plants, cleaning glass, refreshing everything in every tank. joy and delight. I love my critters

[ 27.12.24 ] spent 10 whole hours today listening to a coworker bitch moan and complain about problems she causes herself holy shit shut UP DUDE

[ 16.12.24 ] bro. I rocked up to work this morning to find some idiots broke into the clinic and stolen the doggy gastro ulcer drugs and nothing else 😭 the s8's were INCHES AWAY

[ 08.12.24 ] 38 degrees celsius today.....what the fuck is that about

[ 07.12.24 ] five whole days off work in a row....what on earth am i supposed to do with myself

[ 05.12.24 ] idk shit abt human surgeries and I'm waiting for my friend to lmk they got out and they have not replied yet. ITS BEEN HOURS WHATS GOING ON!

[ 29.11.24 ] I SURVIVED MY WEEK FROM HELL!!!!!!

[ 25.11.24 ] been sleeping soooo badly these last few day and idk why. it's like i look up and it's suddenly 4am and too late to have a proper sleep 😪

[ 20.11.24 ] forget post concert blues bro i got post concert tinnitus. cant hear shit

[ 07.11.24 ] got scratched by a cat so bad at work that three random strangers today have tried to grab my arm & look at it while i'm talking to them 😭


[ 20.10.24 ] 12hrs straight of travel starting from 9:40pm.......save me

[ 18.10.24 ] home tomorrow...this trip has been incredible and seeing my friends has been the best but my god I miss my bed so bad

[ 11.10.24 ] ACCIDENTALLY OPENED THE BACK OF MY CAMERA BEFORE REWINDING THE FILM 😭😭 devastated. pray for me. I hope I didn't lose much

[ 06.10.24 ] There is something soooooo special abt being drunk as fuck w ur best friends in a park at 1am

[ 06.10.24 ] we did it. we got lost on the rail station for the first time

[ 04.10.24 ] landed and first night survived in Tokyo! navigating a new train system at 9pm after flying since 5am. rough. do not recommend

[ 02.10.24 ] ITS TIME TO GO!!!!! japan 2024 here we fuckin goooo

[ 01.10.24 ] ridiculous that one simple storm can knock my wifi out so bad. it barely even rained!! it was 90% wind!

[ 30.09.24 ] every day i wake up & have stupid new ideas for stupid new projects. new site in the works! idk what to do w/ it but i'm enjoying coding it!

[ 28.09.24 ] i love my friends i love my friends i love my fr-

[ 27.09.24 ] last day at work before I go away!! nice day today too, very chill, lots of nice clients :)

[ 26.09.24 ] been having so much trouble sleeping lately due to presumably stress but its just making me more stressed which is making me sleep less >:(

[ 25.09.24 ] miniblog begins :0