quick little mid-feb update just so i'm keeping on top of things here; it's been a humid and wet month, a lot of rain and very warm days. i'm looking forward to march & would really like things to start cooling down sometime soon. we had a horrible warm winter last year and it sucked, i need my three month reprieve from 30+ celcius days or i will perish. it has, however, been excellent for my garden. as of this week, i imagine everything will have one last big bloom for the year as spring comes to a close. things are already starting to flower. my beautiful thai constellation monstera got absolutely ravaged by caterpillars this spring, which i don't usually mind and i won't do anything with pesticides out there anyway, but it's coming back to it's former glory with a few shiny new leaves this week. i like trusting the process, it knows what it's doing. i also recently moved my carnivorous plants to my pond! they do great in the sunny patch i was keeping them in, but i struggle to keep them as damp as they like to be. i have a goldfish pond in a semi-shaded area, which might be detrimental to the plants, but the moisture coming off it will benefit them more, i think. i'll leave them there for a few months and see how they go. i cut the dead pitchers off the pitcher plants and they've almost immediately started springing up new ones, so that's a good sign.
this weekend, i went to a local orchid show! it's a little ways inland from me, hosted in a small suburb up the mountain. i like orchids but never have much luck growing them, though my dad has quite a sizeable collection, so i often go with him to see what locals have been growing and putting up for display each year. my dad is super into vanda orchids, not just for their beautiful flowers but their root systems! they grow crazy aerial roots and look fantastic in hanging baskets. we went in there with the intention of finding some odd and unique vanda's, and ended up meeting the guy who grew them for the show! he was very nice, gave us his number and invited us to come and check out his greenhouses where he grows them. i hadn't intended on getting any plants from the show, but he was just really nice and he had this hybrid vanda x that flowered so young and had beautiful orange flowers that i just couldn't resist.
something i have been trying to work on this year is generally healthy mental health, and a lot of that means getting away from the screens and computers and doing stuff outside. it also means i've been keeping a physical daily journal where i just scribble down whatever is on my mind, but i feel like i'm only really good at that when i'm super anxious or frustrated about something and need somewhere to get my thoughts down. i never really talk about the nice stuff in there, which is a shame because it means i never get to reflect on the positive stuff!! i guess that's kind of what this is for anyway - i made this entire website because blogging on wordpress just wasn't doing it for me. anyway. i guess it is kind of working because i do feel better than i have in a while, despite the state of everything going on right now. some nice things from this month i want to highlight are:
a good month overall! so far. now i am going to yap insufferably about the Interests Of The Month (tm), because i like looking back at the end of the year and seeing how long something can rattle around in my brain for.
WATCHING: SEVERANCE S2 is what i have primarily been watching, which i have to physically restrain myself from yapping about in the miniblog every time an episode airs. it is such a good show man, i think everyone should give the first few eps a go. incredible stuff. even my mum is tuning into it weekly and talking to me about it, which literally never happens. i've also been watching longform video essays on random subjects i've never heard of. here's my favourite two that i watched recently: MANTRACKS: A TRUE STORY OF FAKE FOSSILS and OFFSHORE NIGHTMARE: THE COLLAPSE OF TEXAS TOWER 4
PLAYING: i love any activity i can do with my friends while we watch something, so i've been very into SUPERMARKET TOGETHER lately. this is a silly multiplayer supermarket simulator that is entirely free, where you can run a supermarket with your friends. it's the perfect thing to play when you're watching things, so we've been doing a lot of that while we watch SEVERANCE every week
READING: yeah it's still THE ODYSSEY. the butler translation, which isn't necessarily bad, but it's different and i'm definitely working through it a little slower than i usually would. i also bought the AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER omnibus boxset from kmart yesterday for only $35!! i think that's a great price for six full coloured decent legnth comics. since my friend and i recently finished the show, she's been telling me that the comics are great and i should read them. i was going to just read them online - i can never justify buying comics when i rip through them soooo fast and rarely re-read them - but i can't pass up a convenient box set. going to probably start on them this week!
LISTENING TO: i am devolving very rapidly back into WOLF 359, but not in a normal way! oh no. i've decided to re-listen to the last 30 episodes specifically to find episodes centered around or heavily featuring the antagonists of the show because i love them sooo dearly. i am making a playlist specifically for them. it's rough out here man, it's the worst brainrot i've had in a while AND i've already been brainrotted over these characters like 5 years ago. it's terrible. it has also pushed me right out of an artblock, though, so that's a win
alright alright thats enough outta me for now