✸ [ 22.11.24 18:28 PM ]

see what happens when i don't make myself write something once a week, is i simply do not write anything at all!!!

it has been non-stop busy this last few weeks since i returned home, with the introduction of a new vet into the clinic and my head nurse still away, i am pretty much the first person people are coming to with all sorts of things. i am very tired and very stressed and honestly, not that much more knowledgable than anyone else! and yet. i actually am going to be staying in this temp head nurse role for longer than i was supposed to be, which i want to be unhappy about but i think maybe i've bypassed all feelings and went straight to reluctant acceptance territory. this is my life now. i am all of lower management all at once.

despite this, this month has been exciting and full of good things actually! i have been eyeballing this wolf skull for sale that nobody has bought for months and months, and finally just decided to buy it and stop wistfully staring at it. super thrilled, it's such a cool thing to add into my collection. i did some bone upkeep this week because i noticed my cabinet was smelling a little greasy, and the culprit was my goat skull i have been hoping was not as greasy as i thought it was when i initially got it. it very much was, it spread so badly at the base of the skull, so i took that out to degrease at the beginning of the week. soooo much gunk came off that thing by the today, i think i'm going to make it a habit to just degrease any big skulls myself in general before i take display them. can't be too safe!

i also went to not one, but two whole concerts this week - mother mother, and twenty one pilots! devastated i missed hozier tickets (sold out 0.4 seconds after release) as he was also playing this week, but i still had so much fun at the two i did go to - it's nice to make my little teenage self's dreams come true. i really do want to somehow integrate the concerts i've been to into my music page when i eventually get around to creating it, just gotta figure out a way.

i went to both concerts on my own, which i usually do anyway, but i have to say that the mother mother crowd was the nicest concert crowd i have ever been in. i made friends in the line, everyone was so kind, i had a few people move aside for me in the pit because i am short and they were blocking my view. so much fun!!

i got home from this at like 12:30am and had to work the day after. AGONY. and then the night after was my 21p concert! i was seated for that one unfortunately - truly i hate seated tickets, it's no fun at all, but I bought them last minute and beggars can't be choosers i suppose! i had fun all the same though. i remember watching the blurryface tour on youtube in 2016 and wishing that was me soooo bad, i just wanted to see trees played live with all my heart, i'm so glad their routine for it has never changed. so much fun!!

everyone loves unsolicited concert pics right? everyone loves hearing predominantly me screaming into my phone over shaky footage, right?? i just want to share 'hayloft ii' specifically because i love the energy of the crowd so much, they opened with it and everyone went fucking bonkers + half of 'oh ana' because i got soooo close to the front