✸ [ 30.09.24 12:02 PM ]

is this an unecessary udpate? maybe. i just wanted to see how things will run with the new blog page haha. i really liked putting this page together for a specific idea, i think when i'm back, i'm going to re-do a lot of the themed pages so they are all unique. also if i dont yap about my travel anxiety i might actually die, so!

AGGG THIS IS IT. i go away today. i just came back from dropping hops off at the exotic vets to board while i'm away. i love how much they love him there, they know who he is before i've even told them my name. as much as i'd love to just keep him at home in his fancy tank, it takes a special kind of person to look after and handle my live roach colony and unfortunately that is nobody in my family.

everything packed and ready to go....i've been so nervous about this trip but could not tell you why!! i've done way bigger trips in the past - i went around europe when i was 19 for a month and had a great time with no nerves at all. something about this though...idk! i wonder if its because it's with two close friends and i'm worried being stuck together that long will cause problems. highly unlikely because i love them to death. i think i always have this thing before going away, the prospect of leaving my comfy little safety net of home behind for such a long time makes me kinda sad but once i actually get there, the prospect of new adventures overrides that. regardless!! i am packed. i have everything. i could not be more prepared. i even have a gifts list. what i dont have is things downloaded to my ipad, however, since the wifi at my place has been shot since it stormed over the weekend sooo that's something to do on the hotel wifi during my layover, i suppose.

i will be bringing my film camera with me since that's something i want to dedicate a page on the site too as well. i will probably do its own travel page for japan and then dig out my old scans of the last few times i used it and get a little page going! excited for the future of this site, it's been such a fun little journey cobbling it together :)