welcome to the bone zone!

hello & welcome to my taxidermy and curios collection!

i started collecting bones a few years ago after recieving a partially processed fox skull as a gift for my birthday! i have always been super into vulture culture and used to collect feathers as a kid, but was never quite sure how to go about getting bones in an ethical manner. here you can see my collection and read about the things i have, how they were processed or found, or other fun tidbits about them that i can think up of.

taxidermy and oddity collecting is a really fun and rewarding hobby. i enjoy collecting and processing specimens myself, this way i know exactly how they were sourced and can rest easy knowing it's all ethical. you can check out guides on how i find and process my specimens on the side there, or read on below for some other informative resources!

guides & resources

[ general info ]

[ bone cleaning & processing ]

[ other ]