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[ CONSOLE: ] pc, steam ✸ [ LAST PLAYED: ] currently playing! (02.08.24)

ahhh disco elysium. what can I possibly say about this game that hasn't already been talked about dozens of times? the art, the rich story, the world, the sound design and soundtrack, the voice acting, the general presence of kim kitsuragi.....this is easily one of my favourite games of all time. i have never played as game that will ever come close to the experience of playing disco elysium. i hear those horns outside the whirling-in-rags and i will think about it for a solid week.

I played this game for the first time back in 2022 after it being distantly on my radar for a little while, and eventually being convinced by a friend who had recently finished it. I fell in love very fast, I raced through it trying to solve the case and then once I did, I played again and found things I didn't even think existed, and then I played again and again and kept finding more and more

this game. god. I love this game so much. it's a visual delight, it fundamentally altered the way I approached my art and digital painting. it's narrative is so deep and moving, it's funny and relatable and so deeply, deeply sad. I find new things every single time I play, I get new dialogue and quotes that smack me right in the chest, I get lucky rolls and pass silly checks that have all odds stacked against me. I'll sing DE's praises until I'm dead, I fear. please enjoy my silly little area where I will ramble about this game and why it inspires me!!

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