REAL LIFE COLLECTIONS* ticket stubs* concert tickets & setlists CODING & SITE DESIGN* w3schools : tutorials on any css/html you could ever possibly need* stackoverflow : q&a forum where i usually find answers to my css questions * codepen.io : a place for people to share code snippets + a live code editor i like * dithermark : super customisable image dithering * tinypng : optimise images and save some storage space * remove.bg : remove image backgrounds easily * colorcodehex : easy online html colour slider SILLY INTERNET FUN :)* 17776 (what football will look like in the future) : trust me on this one and go in blind :)* the deep sea : scroll through the ocean depths! * if the moon was 1 pixel : a scaled down solar system map * 3D workers island : a horror project about an old windows 3d screensaver * wilby : search the old web * win98 icons : hq windows 98 icons! * ship maker : randomly generate a spaceship * gifypet : make your own virtual pet! here is mine :) * HORG.com : classifying occlupanids and documenting research about them PIRACY* youtube-mp3 : convert any youtube video to an .mp3 file* how to add music to spotify & sync to your phone SITE CREDITS* 8-bitspider's pixel assets* oudkee's crt filter * 6klabs spotify widget |