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4.5 / 5
18.7.24 ✸ LATE NIGHT WITH THE DEVIL (2024)

i have been so unbelievably excited for this movie since i saw the initial posters for it, because if there's one thing about me - like one thing at all - it's that i absolutely LOVE found footage. always have done, always will do. it's such a shitty garbage genre that's so innundated with some of the worst, cheap horror i have ever seen in my life, so finding a good found footage feels so goddamn good. one of my favourite movies of all time is AS ABOVE, SO BELOW (2014) and GHOSTWATCH (1992). the reason i was so interested in LATE NIGHT WITH THE DEVIL was specifically because the premise and vibes immediately reminded me of GHOSTWATCH, just set in the 70s. if you're reading this because you're like, "oh yeah, LNWTD was a good movie and i want to hear this neocities user ramble nonsensically about it for three paragraphs" then i positively beg of you: go and watch GHOSTWATCH. you're gonna love it.

this movie did not disappoint me! there were some moments when a 'cut to break' graphic was so obviously garbage ai slop which made me a little ehhhgg about the whole thing - it was cheap and they look like shit, they're not even good graphics - but the rest of the movie pulled me back in. also i pirated it anyway lmfao
regardless. i am not immune to a demon posession story, i fear! it felt very GHOSTWATCH meets THE CONJURING (2013), another favourite horror franchise of mine. they did even mention the warrens in the film, which was pretty neat! the premise was fun, the build up and energy was so fun, and the last 15min or so were so fascinating to me - there were some amazing effects towards the end of the show, and i do truly love how they did the ending, even though i am usually a firm believer of found footage ending as soon as the footage cuts. we love a loose ending here on vulpecula dot com, i would rather a hard cut to black than an awkward 10min wrap up where they have to violently explain all their loose ends before time ends. luckily, this was not the case with LNWTD. there was a little bit of being taken out of the found footage illusion, but i do like how it ended so i'm not mad about it.

the whole thing does take place in a television studio, with a good chunk of the movie at the beginning being a rapid sort of mockumentary style intro to the character and background on the show he's running. what i did enjoy is that, because it's set somewhere that does professional filming, it's obviously filmed nicely and there's no janky ass shaky camera to suffer through for an hour. also, filmed in melbourne! +1 for the aussie horror scene.

all in all, i thoroughly enjoyed this one and would certainly watch it again with friends.
movies that i personally would recommend if you liked this one are the previously mentioned AS ABOVE, SO BELOW, GHOSTWATCH, and also HELL HOUSE LLC (2015) (but not its god awful sequel, holy shit), and LAKE MUNGO (2016).

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