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✸ Dredge (Switch)
✸ ACNH (Switch)

✸ Mind Scanners (Switch)
✸ In Other Waters (Switch)
✸ Into The Breach (Switch)

some games i've enjoyed recently & the stuff i love about them!
you can find more on [ign playlist ] & [steam]


[ chatroom ][ ★★★★★ ]
last played: currently playing!
this is a wonderful little chatroom style fishing game that i am thoroughly enjoying playing while i watch stuff with my friends! it's got it's own little page over here since I have stuff to draw :)


[ horror ][ ★★★★★ ]
finished: 20.10.24
GOD. this game was so good. it took me about 4hrs to fully complete - 2 playthroughs; an initial one and a secondary one to get achievements. i really loved it, it's gonna stick with me for a while, i think. it's a visual delight for anyone who loves fleshy gunky horror, thematically fantastic with incredible parallels drawn between characters and their story. it's just so brutal, it really wormed its way into my head and it will not be leaving any time soon. i LOVE a game that leaves me feeling miserable and awful! it's been popping up in my steam queue for so long and i finally dug into it after a friend recommended it. great game, thoroughly enjoyed.


[ rpg ][ ★★★★★ ]
finished: 22.09.24
jesus christ. i am in agony. i have been following this series since 2013 and have adored every single game so so much and i think i've always known how it was going to end, but it didn't hurt any less! i think this was a perfect ending to this series, it wraps things up nicely and hurts so deeply and these stupid doctors will never ever leave my brain. this series is short and such a gut punch in every single game, they're funny and charming and devastating and i truly cannot recommend them enough.

DREDGE (2023)

[ rpg ][ ★★★★☆ ]
last played: currently playing!
really enjoying this game so far! it's been on my watch list for a while and i'm about to take an 8hr plane flight so I figured i should have something for my switch to pass the time. i'm a few hours in and only just getting into the meat of the story, but spooky coastal horror is one of my fav genres. very nice art style, i like how it feels like a cozy fishing game if it wasn't cozy at all and actually fills you with dread and random jumpscare events!


[ rpg ][ ★★★★★ ]
last played: 02.08.24
a deeply beloved game that i could talk about for hours and hours and hours. am currently slowly making my way through another replay, but this is another one i could talk about forever if you let me so it also has it's own page here!


[ fps ][ ★★★★★ ]
last played: 17.08.24
i loved this game a lot!! at time of writing, it is still in early access and sooo close to finished, but there is plenty of meat to sink your teeth into here all the same. very very fun, i have a lot more to say about it so you can check that out on this page right here!

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